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Natural analgesic & antipyretic. Effective in Fever, Seasonal fever, Agues, Severe fever & Pain
প্রাকৃতিক বেদনানাশক এবং অ্যান্টিপাইরেটিক। জ্বর, মৌসুমী জ্বর, তীব্র জ্বর এবং ব্যথায় কার্যকর।
Each Tablet Contains-
Ocimum album 100 mg
Caesalpinia bonducella 75 mg
Tinospora cordifolia 50 mg
Piper nigrum 25 mg
Ref: Bangladesh National Formulary of Unani Medicine
Febrine tablet is highly effective & safe analgesic & antipyretic is formulated with some proven herbs in case of fever & pain. Every composition shows quick response, which ensure rapid & safe result.Ocimum album (Holy Basil)The miraculous healing properties of Holy Basil come mainly from its essential oils and the phytonutrients contained in it. Holy Basil is an excellent antibiotic, germicidal, fungicidal and disinfectant agent and very efficiently protects our body from all sorts of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Fever is mainly caused due to infections from protozoa (malaria), bacteria (typhoid), viruses (flu) and even allergic substances and fungus. Fever is not actually an ailment in itself. It is just a symptom which shows that our body is fighting against less visible infections. The tremendous disinfectant, germicidal and fungicidal properties of tulsi destroys all those pathogens discussed above and heals the resulting fever. It is an old practice in India to have a decoction of tulsi leaves and flowers in case you are suffering from a fever.Caesalpinia bonducellaBonduc nut is considered to be an important herb in traditional medicine. The plant contains the febrifuge bonducine.The seeds are antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, antiviral, febrifuge, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycaemic, mildly purgative, stomachic and tonic. A bitter extract from the seeds is known as �poor mans quinine� and is used against malaria. The powdered kernel of the seed is taken with water to treat diabetes mellitus. The seeds are used to soothe stomach disorders.The seed contains about 20% oil that is especially rich in linoleic acid (68%) and has vesicant properties. The oil is used to treat rheumatism. cordifoliaTinospora cordifolia is an herb used to enhance vitality. It is being researched for a variety of health effects, including its effect on diabetes, glucose metabolism, inflammation, immune system support, and neurology.Tinospora cordifolia supplementation improves the ability of macrophages, an immune system cell, to consume their targets, though this effect is not immunostimulatory. Supplementation can also ward off allergies. One study suggests Tinospora cordifolia is as potent as Spirulina as an anti-allergic supplement. Piper nigrum� Pepper contain an impressive list of plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. Black peppers have been in use since centuries for their anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent properties. � Pepper composed of health benefiting essential oils such as piperine, an amine alkaloid, which gives strong spicy pungent character. They also carry numerous monoterpenes hydrocarbons such as sabinene, pinene, terpenene, limonene, mercene, etc., which altogether gives aromatic property to the pepper. ">
Febrine tablet is highly effective & safe analgesic & antipyretic preparation.
it is formulated with some proven herbs in case of fever & pain. Every composition shows quick response, which ensure rapid & safe result.
Ocimum album (Holy Basil)
The miraculous healing properties of Holy Basil come mainly from its essential oils and the phytonutrients contained in it. Holy Basil is an excellent antibiotic, germicidal, fungicidal and disinfectant agent and very efficiently protects our body from all sorts of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Fever is mainly caused due to infections from protozoa (malaria), bacteria (typhoid), viruses (flu) and even allergic substances and fungus. Fever is not actually an ailment in itself. It is just a symptom which shows that our body is fighting against less visible infections. The tremendous disinfectant, germicidal and fungicidal properties of tulsi destroys all those pathogens discussed above and heals the resulting fever. It is an old practice in India to have a decoction of tulsi leaves and flowers in case you are suffering from a fever.
Caesalpinia bonducella
Bonduc nut is considered to be an important herb in traditional medicine.
The plant contains the febrifuge bonducine.The seeds are antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, antiviral, febrifuge, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycaemic, mildly purgative, stomachic and tonic. A bitter extract from the seeds is known as �poor mans quinine� and is used against malaria. The powdered kernel of the seed is taken with water to treat diabetes mellitus. The seeds are used to soothe stomach disorders.
The seed contains about 20% oil that is especially rich in linoleic acid (68%) and has vesicant properties. The oil is used to treat rheumatism.
Tinospora cordifolia
Tinospora cordifolia is an herb used to enhance vitality. It is being researched for a variety of health effects, including its effect on diabetes, glucose metabolism, inflammation, immune system support, and neurology.
Tinospora cordifolia supplementation improves the ability of macrophages, an immune system cell, to consume their targets, though this effect is not immunostimulatory. Supplementation can also ward off allergies. One study suggests Tinospora cordifolia is as potent as Spirulina as an anti-allergic supplement.
Piper nigrum
� Pepper contain an impressive list of plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. Black peppers have been in use since centuries for their anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent properties.
� Pepper composed of health benefiting essential oils such as piperine, an amine alkaloid, which gives strong spicy pungent character. They also carry numerous monoterpenes hydrocarbons such as sabinene, pinene, terpenene, limonene, mercene, etc., which altogether gives aromatic property to the pepper.
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