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Product highlightsPrimarily used to reduce inflammation of urinary...
কার্যকারিতা:চুলের গোড়া শক্ত করে এবং অস্বাভাবিক চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে। অকালে...
Product highlightsImproves appetite Supports weight management...
ADEL Avena Sat Mother Tincture is an energy booster for males. It...
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic formulation that helps to...
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের...
Bakson Gastro Aid tablets are potent medications indicated for treating...
INDICATIONS of ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) For circulatory disturbances causing...
Product highlightsUseful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances...
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following...
B&T Calendula & Aloe vera multipurpose cream is a very useful...
Product highlightsIt helps to improve skin quality It can help to...
Controls itching and flaking on regular use, Powerful formula, Helps to...
কার্যকারিতাঃ নিলয় মেছতা গার্ড নিয়মিত ব্যবহারে মেছতা, মুখের দাগ, ব্রণ ও...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances firmness Fullness & duration of erection Increases vitality & virility
কার্যকারিতা:ক্লান্তি, ক্ষুধা-মন্দা, স্নায়বিক উত্তেজনার ফলে উদ্বিগ্ন, মানসিক অস্বস্তি দূর করার জন্য। রক্ত স্বল্পতা, হরিৎ পান্ডুরোগ, পাকস্থলীর এবং স্নায়বিক দূর্বলতায় কার্যকারী। দীর্ঘদিন অসুস্থ থাকার পরে বিশেষ করে উপযোগী।প্যাকিংঃ 450 ml. 100 ml.
Scrophularia Nodosa Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which is a natural formulated remedy for tumours and skin problems. The authenticity of raw materials and its formulation methods makes it efficient to use. The quality of alcohol and water, strength of phytochemicals and bacterial counts are essential constituents of this mother tincture.
Product highlightsHelps to prevent heart problems Provide relief in case of palpitation, breathlessness, and rapid heart beat Helps to improve the blood circulations Helps to fight the increase of arteriosclerosis
SBL Vertefine Drop provides relief from backache, joint pains, swelling, muscle pain, lumbago, spondylosis, sacroiliac arthritis and stiffness.
Product highlightsUseful in case of Cervical Spondylitis Works to provide relief in case of neuralgia, chronic pain, joint pain, sharp back spasm Helps to reduce pain between shoulders, vertigo, and headache
Nerve Tonic (Fatigue, Physical Stress) Size : 12x10ml
Pothos Foetidus Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which is also known as skunk cabbage ictodes. It is indicated in respiratory problems. It helps in reducing pain in throat and also helps in treating enlarged glands. Pothos Foetidus is also effective in relieving respiratory disorders like asthma and breathlessness.
Pothos Foetidus Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic medicine which is also known as skunk cabbage. It is indicated in respiratory problems. It helps in reducing pain in the throat and also helps in treating enlarged glands. Pothos foetidus is also effective in relieving respiratory disorders like asthma and breathlessness.
Schwabe Germany Enuroplant homoeopathic medicine is well known to relieve the symptoms of cystis and related pain and frequent urge to urinate. Treatment of bedwetting (Enuresis nocturna) and related complaints. নির্দেশিকা: বিছানায় প্রস্রাব, অসাড়ে প্রস্রাব ও মূত্রথলির অসাড়তায় কার্যকরী। Presentation: Bottle of 20 ml.
Indications: Traditionally used for the treatment of rheumatic conditions such as a rheumatic pains, muscular and articular rheumatism. নির্দেশিকা: বাত ব্যাথা/ঠান্ডাজনিত বাতে কার্যকরী। Presentation: Bottle of 20 ml.
Indication:Diarrhoea,Dysentery & Excessive Thirst কার্যকারিতাঃ ডায়রিয়া, অতিরিক্ত পিপাসা, আমাশয় ও রক্ত আমাশয়ে ফলপ্রদ।Size: 60 ml / ৬০ মিলি.