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Bakson's Bouchi Oil helps in controlling the skin problems and helps to maintain normal colour of skin. Bakuchi Oil has an irritant effect on skin and mucus membrane. It is an homeopathic remedy that helps to ease the problem of white pathces on the skin caused due to lack of melanin. which gives color to skin. It may begin with a small patch but slowly and steadily spreads throughout the body.
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Insufficient Evidence forDiarrhoea....
180 BDT
Borax Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which...
200 BDT
Sepia Dilution is an effective remedy to treat...
230 BDT
Arnica is most commonly used for pain caused by...
780 BDT
Calcarea Carbonicum Dilution is a homoeopathic...
230 BDT
Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Kurchi) Mother...
180 BDT
Janosia Ashoka Mother Tincture possess...
180 BDT
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic...
580 BDT
Millefolium has been used for centuries to...
160 BDT
Carbo Veg Dilution 30 CH is effective in old...
230 BDT