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Arnica Mont Dilution is extremely useful in the treatment of post-injury bruises that causes pain in the joints and muscular cramps. It is also an effective remedy for the treatment of mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. It also helps in reducing soreness and stops bleeding. Natural herbs help in reducing pain associated with bruises and falls.
Do you have Tablets ?
The tiny round Pills are too hard to use, as too many falls out of the bottle.
Do you offer large size Pills or Tablets instead ? Thanks.
Product highlightsIt is primarily used for...
230 BDT
Histaminum Dilution is effective against...
230 BDT
Arsenicum Album Dilution is a homoeopathic...
200 BDT
Ruta Graveolens Dilution is an effective remedy...
90 BDT
Clematis Erecta Dilution is use of multiple...
230 BDT
Macrotinum Dilution is used during painful...
230 BDT
Abrotanum Dilution helps against metastasis. It...
230 BDT
Graphitesis prepared from the black lead. This...
230 BDT
Allium Cepa Dilution is a powerful homoeopathic...
200 BDT