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Ruta Graveolens Dilution is an effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic pains. It relieves pain in the muscle joints, tendons, heals bruises and facilitates quick recovery from an injury or a fracture. It also provides quick relief from soreness in the ankles and lower back.
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus. Complaints from straining flexor tendons especially. Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist. Overstrain of ocular muscles. All parts of the body are painful, as if bruised. Sprains (after Arnica). Lameness after sprains. Jaundice. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair. Injured "bruised" bones.
Head.--Pain as from a nail; after excessive intoxicating drinks. Periosteum sore. Epistaxis.
Eyes.--Eyes-strain followed by headache. Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine print (Nat mur; Arg nit). Disturbances of accommodation. Weary pain while reading. Pressure deep in orbits. Tarsal cartilage feels bruised. Pressure over eyebrow. Asthenopia.
Stomach.--Gastralgia of aching, gnawing character.
Urinary.--Pressure in neck of bladder after urinating; painful closure (Apis). Constant urging to urinate, feels bladder full.
Rectum.--Difficult feces, evacuated only with straining. Constipation, alternating with mucous, frothy stools; discharge of blood with stool. When sitting, tearing stitches in rectum. Carcinoma affecting lower bowel. Prolapsus ani every time the bowels move, after confinement. Frequent, unsuccessful urging to stool. Protrusion of rectum when stooping.
Respiratory.--Cough with copious, thick, yellow expectoration; chest feels weak. Painful spot on sternum; short breath with tightness of chest.
Back.--Pain in nape, back and loins. Backache better pressure and lying on back. Lumbago worse morning before rising.
Extremities.--Spine and limbs feel bruised. Small of back and loins pain. Legs give out on rising from a chair, hips and thighs so weak (Phos; Con). Contraction of fingers. Pain and stiffness in wrists and hands. Ganglia (Benzoic ac). Sciatica; worse, lying down at night; pain from back down hips and thighs. Hamstrings feel shortened (Graph). Tendons sore. Aching pain in tendo-Achilles. Thighs pain when stretching the limbs. Pain in bones of feet and ankles. Great restlessness.
Modalities.--Worse, lying down, from cold, wet weather.
Relationship.--Compare: Ratanhia; Carduus. Rectal (irritation); Jaborandi; Phyt; Rhus; Sil; Arn.
Antidote: Camph.
Complementary: Calc phos.
Dose.--First to sixth potency. Locally, the tincture for ganglia and as a lotion for the eyes.
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