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Traditional homoeopathic uses for Calendula officinalis often focused on the helpfulness of this medicine for skin injuries that do not heal well or result in infection of the wound. The homoeopathic medicine is typically used topically in tincture or low attenuation for these purposes.
A most remarkable healing agent, applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc. Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Hæmostatic after tooth extraction. Deafness. Catarrhal conditions. Neuroma. Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to the injury. Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather. Paralysis after apoplexy. Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy. Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free. Cold hands.
Head.--Extremely nervous; easily frightened; tearing headache; weight on brain. Submaxillary glands swollen, painful to touch. Pain in right side of neck. Lacerated scalp wounds.
Eyes.--Injuries to eyes which tend to suppuration; after operations; blenorrhœa of lachrymal sac.
Ears.--Deafness; worse in damp surroundings and with eczematous conditions. Hears best on a train, and distant sounds.
Nose.--Coryza in one nostril; with much green discharge.
Stomach.--Hunger immediately after nursing. Bulimia. Heartburn with horripilations. Nausea in chest. Vomiting. Sinking sensation. Epigastric distention.
Respiratory.--Cough, with green expectoration, hoarseness; with distention of inguinal ring.
Female.--Warts at the os externum. Menses suppressed, with cough. Chronic endocervicitis. Uterine hypertrophy, sensation of weight and fullness in pelvis; stretching and dragging in groin; pain on sudden movements. Os lower than natural. Menorrhagia.
Skin.--Yellow; goose-flesh. Promotes favorable cicatrization, with least amount of suppuration. Slough, proud flesh, and raised edges. Superficial burns and scalds. Erysipelas (use topically).
Fever.--Coldness, great sensitiveness to open air; shuddering in back, skin feels warm to touch. Heat in evening.
Modalities.--Worse, in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.
Relationship.--Compare: Hamamel; Hyperic; Symph; Arn.
Compare in deafness: Ferr pic; Kal iod; Calc; Mag c; Graph.
Antidote: Chelidon; Rheum.
Complementary: Hepar.
Dose.--Locally. Aqueous Calendula (Marigoldin) for all wounds, the greatest healing agent. Also as an injection in leucorrhœa; internally, tincture, to third potency. For burns sores, fissures, and abrasions, etc, use Calendula Cerate.
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