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Petroselinum Sativum well in respiratory symptoms. It is popular as a solution for cough, bronchitis and offensive discharge. It is also useful against some lung diseases in which breathing is difficult. Tuberculosis affecting middle lobes is treated by it and it is also helpful during excessive liquid discharge and blood coughing. It helps in reducing chest pain and fatigue.
Terebinthinae Oleum Dilution is homeopathic...
230 BDT
Vinca Minor is used for the treatment of...
200 BDT
Lobelia Inflata Mother Tincture Q to a great...
180 BDT
Sulphur is prepared from the mineral sulphur....
230 BDT
Product highlightsBeneficial in case of...
500 BDT
Helps to reduce excess weightPromotes...
180 BDT
Silica becomes a simple and powerful medicine...
230 BDT