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Unique Solution All types of Tumor
Thuja occidentalis 6X is a homeopathic drops which are highly effective in various types of tumors, bone tumor, lipoma etc. Thuja occidentalis 6X drops provide excellent results in various complications of tumors such as: ovarian tumors, tumors anywhere in the body, growth of various glands etc. Thuja occidentalis 6X helps to return the tissue to normal position, especially in patients who have abnormal tissue growths in various parts of the body.
It is effective in almost all types of tumors. Its act on condylomata and cutaneous surface of the body. It is effective in ganglion, breast tumor and painful uterine tumor. Thuja occidentalis have a deep action in all types of glands.
by mixing in 1/2 cup water 3-4 times daily or as per advised by the registered physician.
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Heart Efficiency-Gold DropsSize : 22ml
375 BDT
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200 BDT
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50 BDT
কার্যকারিতা:অম্ল, অজীর্ণ, পেটফাঁপা,...
32 BDT
Natural Solution for Constipation - সকল প্রকার...
50 BDT
Kidney and Bladder Drops কিডনি ও মুত্রথলির...
375 BDT
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80 BDT
Constipation - কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য Presentation:...
200 BDT
Heart Drops -Blockage and Valvular হৃদযন্ত্রের...
375 BDT
Bakson's Beepee Aid Drop is a blend of potent...
180 BDT