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খোস-পাঁচড়া, পুরাতন ঘা, একজিমা ও যাবতীয় চর্মরোগে উপকারি।
Funci is a unique combination of Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Catechu and others natural ingredients. It acts as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. Funci is very effective in scabies, itching, pustular, boils, eczema and psoriasis. It does not create any spot on skin.
Mallotus philippinensis
Fruits contain a brick-red powder, called kamala, the chief constituent of which is a resin composed of rottlerin and isorottlerin. Rottlerin yields methyl-phloroglucin on treatment with hot caustic alkali. Kamala also contains a yellow crystalline substance, a yellow resin, a red resin, wax and traces of a volatile oil, sugar, tannin, oxalic and citric acids. Seed kernel yields a drying oil. Heartwood contains betulin-3-acetate, lupeol, lupeol acetate, sitosterol and bergenin. Acetylaleuritolic acid, -amyrin, sitosterol and bergenin have been isolated from bark. Corotoxigenin and its rhamnoside, coroglaucigenin and its rhamnoside have been isolated from seeds.
The glands and hairs on the fruit are purgative, anthelmintic and styptic; useful in ringworms, bronchitis, stone in the bladder, scabies and other skin diseases; heal ulcers and wounds. It is also used as an oral contraceptive. The seeds are ground to a paste and applied to wounds and cuts. The well ground root is rubbed on the painful parts in articular rheumatism.
Lawsonia inermis
Various aliphatic constituents, terpenoids, sterols, naphthoquinone derivatives, phenolic constituents, tannins, coumarins, xanthones and flavonoids have been reported as the Chemical Constituents of this plant. They have also been reported to contain apigenin-7-glucoside, apigenin-4-glucoside, leteoline glucoside and a coumarin, lancoumarin and two pentacyclic triterpenes. The leaves also contain colouring matter, lawsone, hannotannic acid; gallic acid, resin, mucilage, saponin and traces of alkaloids. Stem bark contains an aliphatic hydrocarbon, methylnonacesanol. Roots contain a sterol, lawsaritol. An essential oil, containing -ionone and -ionone as the chief constituents present in the flowers. Three new xanthones-laxanthones I, II and III have been isolated from this plant.
The cool and aromatic camphor can be used to alleviate skin itching and irritation. By applying camphor on the affected areas, the compound in camphor activates the nerve endings, and this produces a soothing sensation. It not only provides relief from itching and irritation but also reduces incidences of redness on the skin.
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