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Height is determined by many factors like genetics, hormonal balance,...
Schwabe Damiaplant drops is a natural homoeopathic treatment for...
Product HighlightsHelps to prevent male erectile dysfunctionHelps...
Product Highlights:Homeopathic remedy for clearing complexion of...
Helps in Endocrine Disturbances in Men পুরুষের গ্লান্ডের ড্রপ
Key Indications:Sluggish brain function Weak nerves General debility...
INDICATION: -Cystitis Calculus Dysuria Prostatitis Renal Colic...
Product highlightsUseful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism &...
Indications:Libido, Spermacrasia, Spermatorrhoea, Impotence &...
Indications:Lithiasis, hyperuricaemia, dysuria, haematuria, diabetic...
Indications:Gouty paroxysm, dysuria, rheumatic pain, fever, arthritis...
INDICATION: Chronic Prostatitis Enlargment of prostate gland...
INDICATION: Acute attacks of angina pectoris Constriction of the...
INDICATION: Weakness of Vision myopia Iritis Glaucoma cataract...
INDICATION: Spermatorrhea Exhaustion Sweating Lack of Sexual Power...
Use for:• Moisturizing your skin. • Keeping your skin healthy &...
কার্যকারিতা:ত্বকের ব্রণ চিকিৎসা, মুখের ব্রণ, ফোসঁকা, ব্রণের দাগ, ব্রণ...
Indications: For inflammatory gastric complaints, hyperacidity and...
Indications: Helps tone up appetite and digestion, checks malnutrition,...
Benefits:Effective for treating warts, skin growths, and other skin...
Benefits:Promotes digestive and liver health. Alleviates urinary and...
Benefits:Reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation. Promotes healing of...
Benefits:Supports mental and emotional well-being. Helps restore...
Dr. Willmar Schwabe Damiana Ø=1X is a homeopathic medicine derived from...
Key Benefits:Promotes Skin Clarity: Helps reduce acne, pigmentation,...
Ammi Visnaga Mother Tincture is use to treatment of spasmodic bodily movements. It relives violent jerking of various muscles in the body. It is also useful in the treatment of angina pectrosis a condition which causes severe pain in the chest due to lack of blood flow to the heart muscles. Ammi Visnaga helps in relaxing your muscles and reduces pain...
Affections of the abdomen-right sideSize : 22ml
SBL Hepar Sulphur Trituration Tablet is helpful against glandular inflammation and eruptions. It relieves bleeding from the mouth and is effective against mouth and gum pains. It helps in reducing painful neck swelling and burning itching sensation in the body. The medicine also treats cold, cough, sore throat and swollen lymphatic glands.
Product highlightsIt is vital for growth and development lt regulates the quality of the blood Helps to transport oxygen throughout the body Maintains red blood cells, thus making an individual feel energetic
প্রয়োগ ক্ষেত্রঃ মিউকাস মেমব্রেনের প্রদাহ বা ক্ষতসহ শক্ত, আঠালো ও দাড়ি ন্যায় শ্রাব, নাকে ও গলায় ক্ষত, ল্যারিঞ্জাইটিস, ফ্যারিঞ্জাইটিস, ছিদ্রপ্রবণ ক্ষত, নাকে পলিপাস, চর্মরোগ, চক্ষুপ্রদাহ, ব্রংকাইটিস, উপথিরিয়া, উপদংশ, সাইনুসাইটিস বা রাইনাইটিস বা ওজিনা, পুরাতন বাত, সন্ধি ও অস্তিতে বেদনা, ক্রুপকাশি, হুপিংকাশি, লালামেহম, মামাশয়সহ নানাবিধ ক্ষেত্রে লক্ষণ...
Ustilago M is made from fungi corn smut. It is a well-known medicine helpful in treating disorders related to sexual organs. Many genital-related ailments in both male and female is treated using it.
Product highlightsProvides pain relief and promotes healing activity in the muscles, connective tissues, tendons and joints Improves circulation in the afflicted areas and eliminates venous blockage Supports relief from shortened tendons, neuralgia, neuritis, tendonitis, gout and rheumatic pains Addresses tearing and stabbing-type pains and is...
Information about SBL Bio-Combination 15 TabletSBL Bio-Combination 15 Tablet is a well-balanced combination of bio-chemic salts which helps to manage the menstrual disorders and other consequent complaints. It helps with the irregular menses, bright red if early, dark red if late, scanty in young girls, excessive in elderly women and painful menstruation.
Abies Nigra Dilution is a long acting medicine for many types of stomach symptom related diseases. It is helpful against gastric substances and is the main remedy for constipation and dyspepsia in aged people. Pain after eating at the pit of the stomach and sensation of no hunger in the morning and food craving at noon and night is also helped by it. It...
Agnus Cast Dilution is an effective remedy for several issues primarily related to psychological disorders such as anxiety. It also deals with low energy levels in the body.
Allium Cepa Dilution is a powerful homoeopathic medicine, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and useful in symptoms in the nasal tract, stomach, ears, and urinary tract. It is indicated for acute corzya with heavy nasal discharge, with itching in the nose, nasal obstruction, naso-pharynx, headache, and disturbance of sleep and appetite.