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Height is determined by many factors like genetics, hormonal balance,...
Schwabe Damiaplant drops is a natural homoeopathic treatment for...
Product HighlightsHelps to prevent male erectile dysfunctionHelps...
Product Highlights:Homeopathic remedy for clearing complexion of...
Helps in Endocrine Disturbances in Men পুরুষের গ্লান্ডের ড্রপ
Key Indications:Sluggish brain function Weak nerves General debility...
INDICATION: -Cystitis Calculus Dysuria Prostatitis Renal Colic...
Product highlightsUseful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism &...
Indications:Libido, Spermacrasia, Spermatorrhoea, Impotence &...
Indications:Lithiasis, hyperuricaemia, dysuria, haematuria, diabetic...
Indications:Gouty paroxysm, dysuria, rheumatic pain, fever, arthritis...
INDICATION: Chronic Prostatitis Enlargment of prostate gland...
INDICATION: Acute attacks of angina pectoris Constriction of the...
INDICATION: Weakness of Vision myopia Iritis Glaucoma cataract...
INDICATION: Spermatorrhea Exhaustion Sweating Lack of Sexual Power...
Use for:• Moisturizing your skin. • Keeping your skin healthy &...
কার্যকারিতা:ত্বকের ব্রণ চিকিৎসা, মুখের ব্রণ, ফোসঁকা, ব্রণের দাগ, ব্রণ...
Indications: For inflammatory gastric complaints, hyperacidity and...
Indications: Helps tone up appetite and digestion, checks malnutrition,...
Benefits:Effective for treating warts, skin growths, and other skin...
Benefits:Promotes digestive and liver health. Alleviates urinary and...
Benefits:Reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation. Promotes healing of...
Benefits:Supports mental and emotional well-being. Helps restore...
Dr. Willmar Schwabe Damiana Ø=1X is a homeopathic medicine derived from...
Key Benefits:Promotes Skin Clarity: Helps reduce acne, pigmentation,...
Product highlightsEffective solution for hair problems Reduces hair fall Promotes hair growth Strengthens hair follicles
Product highlightsEffective solution for hair problems Reduces hair fall Promotes hair growth Strengthens hair follicles
Product highlightsPromotes bone and teeth growth Useful for vitamin D deficiency Helpful in conditions of chronic gastrointestinal catarrhs Aids in faster recovery from fractures
Product highlightsPromotes bone and teeth growth Useful for vitamin D deficiency Helpful in conditions of chronic gastrointestinal catarrhs Aids in faster recovery from fractures
Product highlightsDeals with nerve disorders Soothes rheumatic and arthritic pains Helps in proper digestion May help in urinary digestive disorders
কার্যকারিতা: মলদ্বারে চুলকানী, মলদ্বারে রক্তপড়া, মলদ্বারে ব্যথাসহ কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যতায় বিশেষভাবে কার্যকরী। আক্রান্ত স্থান পরিষ্কার করে প্রত্যহ ৩/৪ বার ব্যবহার করুন।
ন্যাজাল স্প্রে । Dose - 200 Nasal Spray (30ml)
কার্যকারিতা:স্বরণ শক্তিবৃদ্ধি, অপুষ্টি, ভিটামিনের অভাব এবং শারিরীক দুর্বলতায় দ্রুত কার্যকর।
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following symptoms:Dry or wet cough. Irritation in throat. Stuffy nose.
Indication:Please see the enclosed insert.
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের দুর্বলতায় ফলপ্রদ।১০০ মিঃলিঃ
IndicationsThe salt for excretion. Natrium sulphuricum supports the general detoxification proccesses and excretion of fluids. It helps to excrete excessive tissue fluids and supports the function of the liver.