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Height is determined by many factors like genetics, hormonal balance,...
Schwabe Damiaplant drops is a natural homoeopathic treatment for...
Product HighlightsHelps to prevent male erectile dysfunctionHelps...
Product Highlights:Homeopathic remedy for clearing complexion of...
Helps in Endocrine Disturbances in Men পুরুষের গ্লান্ডের ড্রপ
Key Indications:Sluggish brain function Weak nerves General debility...
INDICATION: -Cystitis Calculus Dysuria Prostatitis Renal Colic...
Product highlightsUseful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism &...
Indications:Libido, Spermacrasia, Spermatorrhoea, Impotence &...
Indications:Lithiasis, hyperuricaemia, dysuria, haematuria, diabetic...
Indications:Gouty paroxysm, dysuria, rheumatic pain, fever, arthritis...
INDICATION: Chronic Prostatitis Enlargment of prostate gland...
INDICATION: Acute attacks of angina pectoris Constriction of the...
INDICATION: Weakness of Vision myopia Iritis Glaucoma cataract...
INDICATION: Spermatorrhea Exhaustion Sweating Lack of Sexual Power...
Use for:• Moisturizing your skin. • Keeping your skin healthy &...
কার্যকারিতা:ত্বকের ব্রণ চিকিৎসা, মুখের ব্রণ, ফোসঁকা, ব্রণের দাগ, ব্রণ...
Indications: For inflammatory gastric complaints, hyperacidity and...
Indications: Helps tone up appetite and digestion, checks malnutrition,...
Benefits:Effective for treating warts, skin growths, and other skin...
Benefits:Promotes digestive and liver health. Alleviates urinary and...
Benefits:Reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation. Promotes healing of...
Benefits:Supports mental and emotional well-being. Helps restore...
Dr. Willmar Schwabe Damiana Ø=1X is a homeopathic medicine derived from...
Key Benefits:Promotes Skin Clarity: Helps reduce acne, pigmentation,...
Ear buzzing as a result of chronic injuries of the inner ear caused by noise; nervous hypersensitivity
Natural Solution for Skin, scalp and vitamin c deficiency.
Abroma Augusta is a useful homeopathic remedy which is used for the treatment of a number of health complications. It effectively cures conditions of sleeplessness and diabetes induced bodily weakness and exhaustion. Conditions associated with hypoglycaemia is effectively treated with the use of Abroma Augusta. used to treat sleeping disorders,...
Indications: Inflammatory signs on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and the upper respiratory tracts, caused by allergies (hay fever). Packing Size - 50 ML
Stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. The drinking of coffee by the aged is likely to increase the production of uric acid, causing irritation of kidneys; muscle and joint pains, and with the increased susceptibility of old people to the stimulating action of coffee and tea, their use should be...
Product HighlightsMay support easier labour and delivery by reducing pain. It might help in healthy lactation and milk production. Supports reproductive health and vitality. Helps reduce fatigue and weakness. It might relieve spasmodic and neuralgic pain.
গ্যাষ্ট্রিক জনিত উপসর্গে কার্যকর, অতিরিক্ত অম্লত্ব, বুকজ্বালা, পাকস্থলীর স্নায়ুবিক উত্তেজনায় ফলপ্রদ।
পুষ্টিহীনতা, খাবারের অনীহা এবং ক্ষুধামন্দা, দুর্বল দীর্ঘদিন যাবৎ রোগাক্রান্ত জনিত দুর্বলতা। জীবনীশক্তি, শারীরিক অবসাদ,
মাথা ঠান্ডা রাখে, সুনিদ্রা আনয়ন করে, চুলপড়া নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে চুল ঘন রাখে।
Uses of Topi Sulphur CreamAntimicrobial creamReduces itching Relieves pain Exerts mild anti-fungal and anti-parasitic effect It acts as keratolytic and mild antiseptic.Presentation : 25 g in tubes.
Natural Solution for Leucorrhea and menstrual disorder.