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মুখ পরিষ্কার ও ত্বক উজ্জ্বল সবারই প্রত্যাশা। তাই "নিলয় নিম টারমারিক ফেস...
মুখ পরিষ্কার ও ত্বক উজ্জ্বল সবারই প্রত্যাশা। তাই "নিলয় নিম টারমারিক ফেস...
এতে আছে মিন্ট ও লবঙ্গের প্রাকৃতিক গুণ যা ক্ষতিকর জীবাণু ধংস করে।
Product highlightsPrimarily used to reduce inflammation of urinary...
কার্যকারিতা:চুলের গোড়া শক্ত করে এবং অস্বাভাবিক চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে। অকালে...
Product highlightsImproves appetite Supports weight management...
ADEL Avena Sat Mother Tincture is an energy booster for males. It...
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic formulation that helps to...
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের...
Bakson Gastro Aid tablets are potent medications indicated for treating...
INDICATIONS of ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) For circulatory disturbances causing...
Product highlightsUseful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances...
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following...
B&T Calendula & Aloe vera multipurpose cream is a very useful...
Product highlightsIt helps to improve skin quality It can help to...
SBL Lecithinum Trituration Tablet is a homeopathic medicine which is a complex organic body that contains phosphorus. It is formulated with genuine raw materials and other constituents which are kept up to the mark in terms of quality to fetch an efficient medicine. It is helpful in maintaining general health.
Indications:Heartburn, sour eructation, flatulence, burning sensation in stomach, gastritis, gastric ulcers
ARSENICUM SULPHURATUM FLAVUM TRITURATION TABLET made from a yellow sulphured of Arsenic. It is also called Arsenic Trisulph. It is sued in rheumatic pain and Leucoderma, and sciatica.
SBL Hekla Lava is a homeopathic medicine which consists of natural minerals, phyto-materials, herbs and active chemicals. The purity of raw materials and other factors makes it efficient trituration tablets.
SBL Calcarea Hypophos Trituration Tablet is a homoeopathic medicine primarily used for the treatment of abscesses and anaemia. It helps in improving vitality and also corrects digestive orders. It helps in reducing weakness and fatigue and enhances energy levels in the body.
SBL Selenium Trituration Tablet is a multi-purpose health tonic which is used to treat several health complications such as disruption in the urine flow, sexual weakness, hair fall and baldness. It improves functions of the genito-urinary organ in aged patients and relives exhaustion and fatigue. It also helps in reliving mental and physical exhaustion.
Product highlightsHelps to manage weight Helps to improve digestion and absorption process Helps to counter hyperacidity Helps to overcome the feeling of weakness Useful in case of post-delivery weight gains
Phytolacca berry tablets are a great remedy for weight loss. This homeopathic medicine for weight loss comes without any side effects. It is composed of imported fresh berries of Phytolacca. With prolonged consumption, this weight loss medicine catalyses the process of weight loss. Presentation : Bottle of 20 g.
It is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the metal titanium. It is indicated in the following conditions-Impaired vision- only half the object is seen. Giddiness with visual difficulties. Premature ejaculation Eczema Chronic rhinitis
Selenium is a constant constituent of bones and teeth.
Dr. Reckeweg Oleum Jecoris trituration tablet is a liver nutrient and pancreatic medicine. It is useful during body or mind strain and rheumatic conditions. In cases of extreme thinness , this medicine is also prescribed. Many types of chest related ailments, fever and pain is also treated with it.