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Height is determined by many factors like genetics, hormonal balance,...
Schwabe Damiaplant drops is a natural homoeopathic treatment for...
Product HighlightsHelps to prevent male erectile dysfunctionHelps...
Product Highlights:Homeopathic remedy for clearing complexion of...
Piles Drops. Relieves from Hemorrhoids, Fissures and Piles with or...
Indication: Relief from Painful and Bleeding Piles, Constipation,...
Indication:Small lumps or nodules under the skin. Abnormal growth of...
INDICATION: all types of tumours in brain , bones and inside the skin...
Indication: Chronic Dry and Flaky Skin Eczema with Itching and Burning,...
Indication: • Helps with symptoms associated with piles.• Helpful in the...
Indication: • Helps in nasal blockage and dryness of the nose.• Helps...
RANGE OF ACTION:Excessive hair loss and Itching. Irritation and...
Indication:• Relieves symptoms associated with eczema.• Helps with...
RANGE OF ACTION:Removes temporary obstructing to the oxidation of the...
RANGE OF ACTION:White hair with itching of scalp. Early whitening of...
RANGE OF ACTION:Dull, Heavy, Aching, Nausea, Sour eractions, Profwse...
Kent 27, the ultimate solution for dysentery relief. Our carefully...
Acid Phosphoricum Dilution is a highly beneficial homoeopathic tincture...
Indication :Lumbago, Gout, Rheumatic Pain, Glandular Inflammation,...
নির্দেশনা:গ্যাষ্ট্রিক, আলসার, ক্ষুধামন্দা, পেট ফাঁপা, বদহজম, পিত্তশূল,...
Key Benefits: ✅ Relieves Nasal Obstruction – Helps reduce blockages,...
Key Benefits: ✅ Hair & Scalp Health – Reduces hair fall, dandruff,...
লিভার এবং গলব্লাডার রোগের উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ।