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Product highlightsPrimarily used to reduce inflammation of urinary...
কার্যকারিতা:চুলের গোড়া শক্ত করে এবং অস্বাভাবিক চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে। অকালে...
Product highlightsImproves appetite Supports weight management...
ADEL Avena Sat Mother Tincture is an energy booster for males. It...
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic formulation that helps to...
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের...
Bakson Gastro Aid tablets are potent medications indicated for treating...
INDICATIONS of ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) For circulatory disturbances causing...
Product highlightsUseful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances...
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following...
B&T Calendula & Aloe vera multipurpose cream is a very useful...
Product highlightsIt helps to improve skin quality It can help to...
Controls itching and flaking on regular use, Powerful formula, Helps to...
কার্যকারিতাঃ নিলয় মেছতা গার্ড নিয়মিত ব্যবহারে মেছতা, মুখের দাগ, ব্রণ ও...
BLOOD HEMOLIN For Iron & Calcium.
Biobuksh No. 14 For Measles. হাম রোগের জন্য কার্যকর।
Product highlights:It helps to condition pimples and acne problemsIt relieves blackheads and painful red lumps or cysts on the skinIt helps to lighten scar marks
Product highlights:Helps to reduce difficulty in falling asleep due to anxiety & restlessnessMay help in improving sleeping habits and treating underlying causes
আয়ুর্বেদিক ঔষধ। Indication:Effective on Diabetes. Also effective on Pain, Inflamation of Liver, Viral Hepatitis, Constipation, Meno- rrhagia, Nasal bleeding, Internal Haemorrhage, Dryness of Mouth, Liver-Kidney-Heart burn and Eczema.
আয়ুর্বেদিক ঔষধ। Indication: Effective on Diabetes. Also effective on Pain, Inflamation of Liver, Viral Hepatitis, Constipation, Meno- rrhagia, Nasal bleeding, Internal Haemorrhage, Dryness of Mouth, Liver-Kidney-Heart burn and Eczema. Composition: Each capsule contains- 300mg Rehmania Rhizome powder and other excipient as needed.
RANGE OF ACTION :Paralysis, Joints Pain Rheumatic aches. Arthritis. Gout, Plambago, Sciatica. Myositis. Back Pain.
Product highlightsBakson Throat Aid tablets effectively manage sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice The product helps to provide relief from throat inflammation Throat Aid tablets provide relief from the dryness of the throat, cough and cold, swallowing, dry suffocative cough, sneezing Provides relief from tickling cough, running nose, marked...
Product highlightsAlleviates headaches Improves gut health Useful for allergic rhinitis Beneficial for eczema
Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule is an ayurvedic formulation to look over the overall well being of the whole family. It not only increases the appetite allowing the user to gain their desired weight but also improve the functioning of the liver for proper food digestion. Made with special attention for people looking to get their bulk-on, this capsule...
সাধারণ দুর্বলতা, প্রধান অঙ্গসমূহের দুর্বলতা, মানসিক অবসাদ, ক্লান্তি, সহজাত দেহ শক্তি হ্রাস, অকাল বার্ধক্য, বিপাকীয় গোলযোগ, বিভিন্ন ভিটামিন, খনিজ ও পুষ্টি উপাদানের,অভাবজনিত রোগব্যাধি।