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নির্দেশনা ও ব্যবহার: স্পাইরুলেড ক্যাপসুল অপুষ্টি জনিত সমস্যা, গেঁটেবাত,...
রোগ নির্দেশনা:যৌনাঙ্গের শিথিলতা (Disability of penis), কামশীতলতা...
Dr. Reckeweg Thyroidinum Thyroidinum 3X is prepared from the thyroid...
রোগ নির্দেশনাখোস-পাঁচড়া, চুলকানি, ক্ষত, দূষিত ক্ষত, ত্বকের জ্বালাপোড়া।
রোগ নির্দেশনা:স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতা, সাধারণ দুর্বলতা, পাকস্থলী ও যকৃতের...
নারিশিং-হোয়াইটেনিং ক্রিম:-*ত্বক কোমল, মসৃণ, *উজ্জ্বল ও ফর্সা করে *ত্বকের...
Key Indications:Sluggish brain function Weak nerves General debility...
INDICATION: -Cystitis Calculus Dysuria Prostatitis Renal Colic...
Product highlightsUseful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism &...
Indications:Libido, Spermacrasia, Spermatorrhoea, Impotence &...
Indications:Lithiasis, hyperuricaemia, dysuria, haematuria, diabetic...
Indications:Gouty paroxysm, dysuria, rheumatic pain, fever, arthritis...
INDICATION: Chronic Prostatitis Enlargment of prostate gland...
INDICATION: Acute attacks of angina pectoris Constriction of the...
INDICATION: Weakness of Vision myopia Iritis Glaucoma cataract...
INDICATION: Spermatorrhea Exhaustion Sweating Lack of Sexual Power...
Use for:• Moisturizing your skin. • Keeping your skin healthy &...
Natrum Muriaticum Nat Mur., (Natrum Muriaticum) the water-distributing cell salt, helps the body balance and better distribute its fluids. It is ideal for the relief of symptoms of headaches, colds, and heartburn.
Magnesia Phosphorica Mag phos is found to be highly effective at alleviating those pains which are quick and sharp. This can include chronic conditions like sciatica as well as menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, heartburn, various darting pains and more
Kali Phos, the nerve nutrient cell salt, helps the body control pain signals, localize or resolve pain, and calm responses. Through these means, Kali Phos offers restorative relief for symptoms of stress and nervous tension, occasional sleeplessness, and headaches.
Silica becomes a simple and powerful medicine with a capacity in children and adults to help those who are prone to lingering infections for instance in the site of wounds and scars. Silica may also help the body to throw out splinters
Ferrum Phosphoricum Cell Salt from UNDA Seroyal is a homoeopathic product that is indicated for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with fever and inflammatory conditions, such as infections and nephritis. Use at the first sign of infection, especially with children.
Five Phos is an excellent biochemic biocombination remedy for nerve and brain.
Calcarea Phosphorica 6X tissue salt is a reinforcing and remineralizing remedy that affects all tissues and is especially useful for developing new tissues, such as during pregnancy or childhood. It can intensify the action of other cell salts
Tonic Nerves & Brain স্নায়ু এবং ব্রেইন টনিক