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Product highlightsPrimarily used to reduce inflammation of urinary...
কার্যকারিতা:চুলের গোড়া শক্ত করে এবং অস্বাভাবিক চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে। অকালে...
Product highlightsImproves appetite Supports weight management...
ADEL Avena Sat Mother Tincture is an energy booster for males. It...
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic formulation that helps to...
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের...
Bakson Gastro Aid tablets are potent medications indicated for treating...
INDICATIONS of ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) For circulatory disturbances causing...
Product highlightsUseful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances...
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following...
B&T Calendula & Aloe vera multipurpose cream is a very useful...
Product highlightsIt helps to improve skin quality It can help to...
Controls itching and flaking on regular use, Powerful formula, Helps to...
কার্যকারিতাঃ নিলয় মেছতা গার্ড নিয়মিত ব্যবহারে মেছতা, মুখের দাগ, ব্রণ ও...
Pothos Foetidus Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic medicine which is also known as skunk cabbage. It is indicated in respiratory problems. It helps in reducing pain in the throat and also helps in treating enlarged glands. Pothos foetidus is also effective in relieving respiratory disorders like asthma and breathlessness.
Clematis Erecta MT is an effectively is used for the treatment of multiple health conditions. It is a potent remedy for the treatment of skin disorders and promotes faster healing of bruises through an injury. It is strongly indicated in inflammation of glands and genito-urinary organs. It has diuretic properties and is useful in the treatment of fluid...
Equisetum Hyemale MT is highly effective in treating intestinal disorders with pain in the abdomen and the bladder which causes increased urgency and frequency to urinate. It is indicated in the soreness of testicles and provides relief from burning pain in the urethra during urination. It can also be used for treating fever with nasal congestion and...
Viburnum OP Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medication that helps to cure problems related to women health. It is a general remedy for cramps, colicky pains in pelvic organs. It is made of genuine raw materials and best quality of extra neutral alcohol to provide the best homeopathic medication.
Aletris Farinosa Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which helps in conditions such as weakness and tiredness, especially in females. It is indicated when there is constant tiredness along with a dragged down feeling in the uterus and discharge and rectal distress. It is a good remedy for a week, pale girls and pregnant women.
Lobelia Inflata Mother Tincture Q to a great extent a safe and useful homeopathic remedy that helps to overcome an individual’s nicotine addiction. Smokers who develops a habit of taking this medication find that their craving for nicotine has been reduced substantially. Hence, it is often prescribed by homeopathic medicine practitioners to help people...
Digitalis Purp Mother Tincture is a multipurpose health tonic that is used to treat disorders of the heart, kidneys and skin. It heals cuts and wounds and can be used to cure aconite poisoning. It helps in strengthening heart muscles and protects from heart failures. Anxiety and anxiousness of mind can also be relieved by its use.
Upas Tieuti Dilution helps to relieve from tonic spasms, tetanus and a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or suffocation
Boerhaavia Diffusa Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine that is used to cure various diseases such as asthma, high blood pressure, berry-berry etc. The roots and leaves of Boerhaavia diffusa are used to prepare the medicine. It is helpful in treating various disorders related to liver, eyes and also reduces abdominal swelling.
Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Kurchi) Mother Tincture is a powerful homeopathy medicine. It is an old Indian medicine that belongs to Apocynaceae family and its common name is "Kurchi." It is made of dried bark and is proven to be a powerful curative agent for fever and chronic colitis. It is also effective in treating IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and...
Chaparro Amargoso is a homeopathic remedy that is useful in treating chronic diarrhea with liver disorders. Inflammation of liver and tenderness over the liver region can be relieved using this remedy. It is also indicated in the treatment of painful stools along with mucus caused by irritation of intestinal mucosa.
Sabina is also known as Savine. The tincture is made from the young fresh tops of the branches of the shrub. The drug is mainly indicated in cases of heavy bleeding