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Product highlightsPrimarily used to reduce inflammation of urinary...
কার্যকারিতা:চুলের গোড়া শক্ত করে এবং অস্বাভাবিক চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে। অকালে...
Product highlightsImproves appetite Supports weight management...
ADEL Avena Sat Mother Tincture is an energy booster for males. It...
Ginkgo Biloba Mother Tincture is a homeopathic formulation that helps to...
কার্যকারিতা: পেটফাঁপা, গ্যাস্ট্রিক ব্যথা, অরুচি, অজীর্ণ ও হজমের...
Bakson Gastro Aid tablets are potent medications indicated for treating...
INDICATIONS of ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) For circulatory disturbances causing...
Product highlightsUseful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged...
Benefits of Healwell Vigoral LA LiquidLibido enhancer Enhances...
SBL’s Stobal Cough Syrup Sugar Free can be helpful in the following...
B&T Calendula & Aloe vera multipurpose cream is a very useful...
Product highlightsIt helps to improve skin quality It can help to...
Controls itching and flaking on regular use, Powerful formula, Helps to...
কার্যকারিতাঃ নিলয় মেছতা গার্ড নিয়মিত ব্যবহারে মেছতা, মুখের দাগ, ব্রণ ও...
Ferrum Phosphoricum Dilution is a helpful drug in building healthy blood cells. It helps to provide toughness and strength to the walls of blood vessels and arteries. It is an excellent remedy for hemorrhages and is also helpful in reducing stiffness and pain in joints. Sore throat, cough and cold are also cured using this medicine.
It may improve the functioning of the male sexual organ Removes infection and treats other problems of the prostate glandIt can be used to treat premature ejaculation
Coca Q is a homeopathic The formulation is indicated for the management of heart problems such as angina pectoris and asthma. The dilutions are also useful in fighting against inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue.
Tarentula Hispanica Dilution is a homeopathic solution that can be used for a variety of ailments including headache, restlessness, ADHD, autism and behavioral problems in children. It helps in preventing against many types of mood variations mind fluctuations too. This solution is also helpful in preventing many heart related problems.
Cyclamen Dilution is an remedy for the treatment of multiple health complications. It is used for treating nervous emotional states that generally causes anxiety, helps in correction of digestive disorders and in women, it is helpful in the treatment of menstrual disorders. Some ailments related to vision such as countless stars and colours before eyes...
Cuprum Met Dilution is a remedy used to treat convulsions and epilepsy. It contains antispasmodic properties which treats severe cases of spasmodic infections, cramps and involuntary jerking of limbs and fingers accompanied by nausea. It is helpful in treating extreme symptoms associated with convulsions such as loss of consciousness, foaming and falling.
Ustilago M is made from fungi corn smut. It is a well-known medicine helpful in treating disorders related to sexual organs. Many genital-related ailments in both male and female is treated using it.
Plumbum Metallicum Dilution is a homeopathy medicine in liquid form. This medicine is made through series of trituration or succussion process the drug into physical solubility state. It is mainly used in physiological assimilability, therapeutic activity and also as a homeopathic healing remedy.
Natrum Phos Dilution is also known as the phosphate of sodium Dilution. It is useful against symptoms caused due to increase in lactic acid. Complaints related to excess of acidity is treated by it. It is also useful against dyspepsia, dull feeling and dizziness of head and heartburn.
Lac Defloratum Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy which is useful in treating disorders caused due to improper nutrition. Formulated with skimmed milk, it is also useful in treating excessive urination. It is also effective in treating motion sickness. Chronic headache and constipation can also be relieved by its use.
Euphrasia Off Dilution is useful in treating severe case of lachrymation. It treats inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose and can be used in treating conditions associated with coryza. Indicated in catarrhal headache with watery discharge from ears and nose and is also used for the treatment of violent cough and relieves skin disorders...
SBL Drops No. 8 is an In-house clinically proven homoeopathic formulation which relieves the signs & symptoms of allergic rhinitis effectively without producing any adverse effects PRESENTATION- Bottle of 30 ml