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Size : 150ml
Catarrhal affections of the upper air passages. Rhinolaryngopharyngitis, especially bronchitis and whooping cough at all stages. Effective expectorant in chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, fits of coughing in phthisis.
- Whooping cough: In the beginning of the treatment frequent doses, every 1 hour 10 drops in some water, or one teaspoon (5ml) of syrup. Advisable is, to alternate from hour to hour the cough syrup and the cough
drops. After attenuation of the graveness and frequency of the fits of coughing (generally in 2-3 days) take the medicine every 2 hours.
- In the treatment of non-specific catarrhs, following whooping cough, take 4-6 times daily 10-15 drops in some water, or one teaspoon (5ml) of syrup.
Acute bronchitis and laryngo-pharyngitis: Every 2-3 hours 10-15 drops or one teaspoon of syrup.
- In influenza, use also R 6.
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